About us

Hi, we’re Veganz. Who are you? Are you a vegan-pro, climate bodyguard or do you see yourself more as a part-time vegetarian? No matter which category you consider yourself to be in, we’re part of it because we love making the world just that much better and more delicious with our vegan products. At the same time we’re mindful of the environment and all living beings.

Try us out!

Maybe you had some difficulties with vegan food at the beginning. Well, with us, you really can’t go wrong – especially since we’ve developed over 470 products since 2015 and can say with confidence: We’ve gotten pretty good at it. Okay, enough showing off, let’s get down to business… We at Veganz offer you a varied selection of strictly vegan foods – from sweets and snacks and plant-based proteins, to meat, fish and cheese alternatives and eggs. There’s a whole lotta Veganz food items to try out! 

Oh, and we’re also a little bit eco, too. After all, a majority of our Veganz products originate from Europe and : 57 of the 101 active products we offered as of September 30, 2021 were labelled as bio products. Even our packaging has its eye on the protection of the environment: compostable internal wrapping film made from recycled plastic, cardboard sleeves free from mineral oil, or the transparent Sustainability Score – these are our contribution to a more sustainable world – Good for you, better for everyone.

Our Vision

Motivating people to adopt a plant-based lifestyle as well acting more responsibly towards our environment, thereby creating a sustainable future for all living beings on the planet.​​

Our contribution to the UN Sustainable Development Goals

In 2015, all UN member states adopted the so-called SDGs (Sustainable Development Goals), which define specific goals for environmental protection, ending poverty and improving economic prospects worldwide as part of the “2030 Agenda for Sustainable Development“.

With our efforts to convince people of the benefits of plant-based nutrition and focusing on sustainable packaging while at the same time, we are contributing to the achievement of several of the United Nations’ SDGs specifically in the environmental area:

  • SDG 6: Clean water and sanitation

The total annual water consumption for a vegan diet is about 710 cubic meters, according to a study of the European Commission. That’s less than half of a meat-based diet, which is estimated at 1,580 cubic meters of water on average per person per year. Veganz promotes the shift to a purely plant-based diet with a growing product range from breakfast to dinner, including meat, fish and cheese alternatives. In this way, we specifically support the achievement of the sub-goal to increase water efficiency in the agricultural sector through our products, thus addressing the global threat of water scarcity (SDG sub-goal 6.4).

  • SDG 12: Responsible consumption and production

We value environmental friendliness not only in our food, but also in our product packaging. That’s why Veganz also launched the first compostable packaging for refrigerated products. This packaging is completely compostable within 90 days. A Veganz plant-based cheese in this packaging, therefore, only produces a total of 473g of CO2 per pack, less than a quarter compared to a conventional cheese in a conventional packaging with at least 1,942g of CO2 per pack. While we are actively contributing to SDG sub-goal 12.4 (environmentally sound management of chemicals and all wastes) with packaging innovations like this, we are also significantly reducing waste through reuse and recycling and therefore committed to recyclability, which supports sub-goal 12.5. In 2020, a total of 84.4% of all Veganz packaging was recyclable, reusable and/or compostable without hesitation. 

  • SDG 13: Climate action

According to a study on the possibilities for reducing the negative environmental impacts in the agricultural sector, a global switch to a purely plant-based diet would mean a reduction of almost 50% of all CO2 emissions in the area of nutrition. The German Federal Environment Agency estimates the CO2 footprint of a purely vegan diet at 940 kilograms per year, almost 50% less than a meat-based diet, whose footprint is given as 1,760 kilograms of CO2 per year. Since we enable and actively promote a purely plant-based diet with our products, we thus contribute significantly reducing negative climate effects in the area of nutrition. 

  • SDG 14: Life below water

SDG 14, among others, targets the mastery of the increasing overfishing, which is a growing global problem. With a growing range of fish substitutes, currently including vegan smoked salmon, vegan fish sticks and vegan tuna, Veganz also offers people who are used to fish products an attractive alternative, helping them to reduce their fish consumption and thus better protect fish stocks.

Our Mission

As a full-range vegan supplier, we offer everyone a wide variety of tasty, plant-based products and innovations, are transparent in our actions and behave respectfully towards all living creatures and the natural world.

Who we are

Veganz is the brand for plant-based food from the capital and we believe we are Europe’s sole multi-category provider of purely plant-based food. Founded in Berlin in 2011, we became known as the first vegan supermarket chain in Europe and just a few years later managed to break into the vegan niche with a colourful array of products and a life-affirming company philosophy. You’ve surely noticed that the subject of veganism is all around us now, no longer a flash-in-the-pan dietary trend – and not just in Germany. With a lot of team spirit, knowhow and probably a little bit of luck, we’ve managed to bring our products onto the shelves of over 22.000 stores in more than half of the European countries. In this way, we are coming ever closer to our goal of making it possible for all people to have access to plant-based products. Our team of 110 people are working tirelessly each day, and with a generous pinch of passion, to make this happen.

The Management

Jan Bredack, Anja Brachmüller and Moritz Möller make up the Board of Directors at Veganz Group Inc. Get to know them better on our executive board page.