Basic Data Bond 2020/2025 IssuerVeganz Group AGVolumeUp to € 10 millionPlaced volumeFull placement € 10.0 million (as of 31.12.2021)ISIN / WKNDE000A254NF5/A254NFCoupon7.5% p.aIssue price100%Denomination1Value date24.02.2020Term5 years: 24.02.2020 – 24.02.2025 (excluding)Interest paymentAnnually, in arrears on 24.02 of each year (first time 2021)Repayment date24.02.2025Repayment amount100%StatusNot subordinated, not securedIssuer’s special right of terminationFrom 24 February 2023 at 102% of the nominal amountFrom 24 February 2024 at 101% of the nominal amountTermination rights of the bondholders and covenantsControl changeThird party defaultNegative commitment to capital market liabilitiesNo unauthorized asset disposalNo unauthorized distributions (minimum equity ratio of 20% required)No unauthorized loan grantingReporting obligationApplicable lawGerman lawProspectusSecurities prospectus approved by the CSSF (Luxembourg) with notification to the BaFin (Germany)Market segmentOpen market at the Frankfurt Stock ExchangeFinancial AdvisorLewisfield Germany GmbHBond conditionsBond conditions