Risk Management Our daily work is geared towards securing the Company’s continued existence and systematically and continuously increasing its corporate value. In order to achieve our entrepreneurial goals, our activities require a permanent, responsible weighing of opportunities and risks. Seizing opportunities as well as the ability to identify and analyse risks and reduce them with suitable strategies are important factors in our entrepreneurial actions and our sustainable, value-oriented corporate management. We use a risk management system to identify opportunities and risks. In this context, we understand risks as possible future developments or events that could lead to a negative deviation from a planned goal or guidance for the Company, which we can counter through systematic risk management and clear responsibilities for the individual functions. We consider opportunities to be possible future developments or events that could lead to a positive deviation from a planned target or guidance for the Company.The risk management system is subject to regular updating and further development. Its effectiveness is continuously validated on the basis of the risks that have actually occurred and adapted to changes in the Company and market developments.Risk management is the direct responsibility of the Executive Board. The Executive Board decides on the structure and process organisation of risk management and approves the documented results. The Executive Board and the department heads are responsible for identifying, assessing, documenting, communicating and controlling all risks in their respective areas of responsibility. Risk recording takes place centrally in Controlling, which regularly assesses the function and adequacy of the risk management system and also advises the individual departments in workshops.