Organic Veganz Sandwich Biscuits Cocoa 330 g

Whenever you notice something really getting on your nerves, grab yourself some of this crunchy treat right away. Our Organic Veganz Sandwich Biscuits Cocoa with its chocolaty cream filling will cheer you up again in no time at all. 

Hip, Hip, Hooray – the Sustainability Score is here Today!

Oh, yes, we totally get why you delight in the crunchiness and creaminess of the Organic Veganz Sandwich Biscuits Cocoa. But our sandwich vegan biscuits have something else that will make you jump for joy – their Sustainability Score! And for your convenience, we’ve printed it right on the package where you can see the product’s CO2 footprint and water consumption, as well as whether animals and rainforests have been preserved. Origin of raw materials, production, packaging and transport – everything has been calculated and compared to 110,000 other foodstuffs and the results of this comparison are given in stars. With 2 stars, the product is already more sustainable than the average of the compared product. Why are we doing this? Transparency and environmental protection are very close to our hearts: You get all of the facts, and we have the chance to make our products more sustainable.

A Joyful Dance for our Planet

Would you like to do something to make yourself and Mother Earth happy? That’s easy – with our Sandwich Biscuits Cocoa! The high-quality, plant-based organic ingredients make our vegan biscuits not only exceptionally delicious, but they do something valuable for the environment and animal welfare! As you can see from the Sustainability Score, the sweet snack cuts a good figure in all four categories with the highest marks, that’s three stars. Read below about how our little biscuits got these stellar results.


It’s no secret that the production and consumption of animal-based foodstuffs is harmful to our climate. To be exact, so-called “livestock farming” is responsible for around 14.5 % of the world’s greenhouse gas emissions. This means that there are one or two climate bombs hidden away inside sweets made from animal by-products, like, for example, milk chocolate.
Why are plant-based foods more climate friendly than others? Cows, chickens, pigs and goats, etc. emit methane and nitrous oxide. These emissions are harmful to the climate. Not only that, but these animals need to be fed. Among other factors, further greenhouse gas emissions are caused by the increasing need for more land, especially for fodder cultivation. And for that, forests and grasslands or wetlands have to be drained, which is neither beneficial to us nor the environment, since forests absorb carbon from the atmosphere. It is also not uncommon for the food to be imported, which worsens the eco-balance of non-vegan foods.
But hey, don’t let it get you down! Because with Organic Veganz Sandwich Biscuits Cocoa, you get snacking pleasure as well as climate protection all in one – after all, we rely on vegan ingredients that help to reduce greenhouse gas emissions.


Water is for drinking, la-di la-di da! And so, to make sure that there is enough water on our planet in the future, we have to do more than just turn off the tap when we brush our teeth. It’s also particularly important to work sparingly with resources in food production – as with Organic Veganz Sandwich Biscuit Cocoa. You won’t find any ingredients in them that require a lot of water in their cultivation or production. This way, our vegan biscuits contribute sustainably to reducing the global water footprint.

Animal Welfare

A chocolatey cream filling without milk? Is that even possible? It is! We leave the cow completely alone and rely on natural and purely plant-based ingredients, like cocoa and raw sugar.
Why are sweets without cow’s milk the more animal-friendly alternative? Milk cows are artificially inseminated on a continuous basis and separated from their calves at birth, so that people can process the (mother’s) milk into food. In addition, the dairy cows spend their entire lives in a dwelling inappropriate for their species. These strains leave their traces and harm the animals. By comparison, a free-range, healthy cow can live up to 30 years, while a dairy cow has a life expectancy of just 5. That’s not fair! So, maybe you should reach for our vegan biscuits next time instead, what do you think?


It’s a green light for our wonderful green rainforests! Even though the recipe of our Organic Veganz Sandwich Biscuits Cocoa includes palm oil, it’s RSPO-certified. That means that palm plantations are inspected so that forests, plants, animals, farmers and children are protected. Would you like to know more about palm oil? In the paragraph below, we will go a bit further into the subject. The rainforest is important because it has a huge influence on our climate, being the so-called green lung of our earth. Plants, bushes and trees take in CO2 from the air and use the carbon it contains for their growth. This produces oxygen. And who needs it to survive? That’s right, we humans do!
If we destroy our rainforests, large amounts of CO2 are released – which promotes the greenhouse gas effect and contributes to global warming. Rainforest protection means climate protection! Therefore, it is paramount for us all to preserve the tropical rainforests.


Biscuit* (75 %) (wheat flour, palm fat*, raw cane sugar*, glucose syrup*, quinoa flour* (1,1 %), fat reduced cocoa powder* (0,8 %), raising agent: sodium hydrogen carbonate; sea salt, cocoa extract, natural Bourbon vanilla flavouring*), cocoa filling* (25 %) (raw cane sugar*, palm fat*, fat reduced cocoa powder* (11 %), cocoa extract, emulsifier: sunflower lecithins*).
*from organic agriculture

May contain traces of soya, nuts, other cereals containing gluten, egg and milk.

Made in: Germany

Nutrition information

Nutrition Information per 100 g
– of which saturates
– of which sugars

Only Shared Happiness is True Happiness

Only shared happiness is true happiness! Which is why you will find cocoa not only in the delicious filling of our sandwich biscuit, but also in one of the two biscuits. That pleases the cookie, the crème and mostly you! What is also worth noting? The cookie’s enhancement through quinoa flour and its organic ingredients! Indeed, with this knowledge, you will certainly enjoy our vegan biscuits even more.
Oh, and speaking of pleasure – you can basically take the bag anywhere: to your desk, in front of the TV, in the train or on a picknick blanket. Well? What are you waiting for? Grab a bag today, get crunching, and snack yourself happy!

Loosen Up – We’re Talking Additives!

  • Raising Agents: Basically, this additive does nothing other than loosen things up. Okay, maybe it makes the Organic Veganz Sandwich Biscuits Cocoa dough a little fluffier and more voluminous, just like a homemade cake. You add baking powder or baking soda, too, don’t you?

Happy Snacking – in Spite of Palm Oil?

You can snack yourself happy in good conscience with the Organic Veganz Sandwich Biscuits Cocoa. Being a vegan food brand, we focus intently on subjects like sustainability and environmental protection and are of course fully aware that conventional palm oil cultivation has negative consequences for nature, people and animals. As we are also critical of this cultivation method, we work exclusively with RSPO-certified palm oil. This means that the plantations are controlled, and forests, plants, animals, farmers and children are protected.
Why don’t we use a different type of oil? If we were to replace palm oil in our vegan biscuits with sunflower oil, for example, the cream filling would clump and have a distinctive sunflower taste. Ergo: the crispy circular delights wouldn’t be as you know and love them, not by a longshot. In addition, oil palm yield is four times higher than that of a sunflower so, if we were to use the same amount of oil from sunflowers, much larger areas would be needed.

A small but nice little piece of information for you: We use palm fat in just 11 out of over 160 Veganz products. We promise you that our feet will never stop moving in the search for suitable alternatives and of course, we always welcome any replacement ingredients with open arms, as long as the exchange has positive effects on you, the product and the environment.


We use these materials in this product.

Synthetic materials
5 g

Happy Snacking – in Spite of Palm Oil?

Now wouldn’t that be the most delicious packaging innovation ever? Unfortunately, the reality looks quite a bit different. Which is why we have to resort to a composite film or, more specifically, polypropylene. This ensures that the vegan biscuits are optimally protected and retain their shape. It also ensures that the biscuits are always crunchy and the cocoa filling is particularly aromatic.

But as a vegan brand, we are already diligently on the search, we see it as our absolute responsibility to find more environmentally friendly alternatives – as, in the end, ingredients and packaging go hand-in-hand. We may not be perfect, but we always have our eyes and ears open.

Here you can find the product Organic Veganz Sandwich Biscuits Cocoa at the online shop Logo Logo

Available at

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  • Rossmann | DE
  • Spar | SI
  • Vekoop | DE

More Baked Goods from Veganz

Are you a dyed-in-the-wool Cookie Monster? Then we have a fantastic assortment of vegan biscuits and baked goods just right for you. Hand on heart: You mustn’t leave any of these treats out of your snack cupboard! 

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