Veganz Ohnig 250 g

Honey, oh Sugar, Sugar is sweet, but a little old-fashioned. Today’s candy girls* and boys* sweeten their teas, breads or salad dressings with Veganz Ohnig! Made of tapioca, with subtle notes of caramel and herbs as well as hints of vanilla – and just incredibly delicious. Mmh… You are my candy, girl*!


About bees, flowers and sustainability

Our Veganz Ohnig saves bees, tastes similar to mild summer blossom honey, is rich in fibre and also low in sugar and calories. Does it get any better? Yes, it does! with our Sustainability Score! We printed it right on the packaging of our honey substitute. The score tells you the CO2 footprint, water consumption, and whether animals and rainforests are protected.
Origin of raw materials, production, packaging, transport – everything was calculated and compared with 110,000 other foods. The results of this comparison are rated in stars. Beginning at two stars, the product is already more sustainable than the average for similar products.
Why do we do this? Transparency and environmental protection are very important to us: You get all the facts, and we have a chance to make our products more sustainable at the same time.

Recommended by happy bees and rainforests

In the Animal Welfare and Rainforest categories, Veganz Ohnig shines with 3 stars. You’ll learn how our vegan honey achieves these results in the paragraphs below.

Animal Welfare

With Veganz Ohnig, we can 100 % assure you that we do not endanger bees during production. After all, our honey substitute is based on tapioca syrup – so it’s completely vegan! If you want to know exactly why the consumption of bee honey is of concern for the little animals, then have a look at what our friends at PETA have to say! The animal welfare organization explains it to you based on 8 good reasons.


The recipe for our honey substitute is soy-free and has no palm oil. This way, we ensure optimal protection against deforestation and thus support the preservation of green forest areas.
Why is the rainforest so important? It is the green lung of our earth and has a major impact on our climate. Plants, shrubs and trees absorb CO2 from the air. They use the carbon within them for their growth. This produces oxygen. And who needs that to survive? Right, we humans!
If we destroy our rainforests, large amounts of CO2 are released – which promotes the greenhouse effect and contributes to global warming. Rainforest protection means climate protection! That’s why it’s very important for all of us that tropical rainforests are preserved.

Buzz, buzz, buzz- something's a little off with Climate and Water

As you can see from the Sustainability Score, Veganz Ohnig unfortunately only scores one star for Climate and Water. Naturally, we’re going to tell you why our sweetener could not get the full number of points.


The climate footprint of 1323 g CO2 per bottle of Veganz Ohnig is unfortunately still too high. This is due to the fact that the production of tapioca syrup consumes a relatively high amount of energy. In addition, coal is used at the production site for heating and generating electricity.
Needless to say, we are not satisfied with this result! After all, we want to offer you alternatives that are not only delicious and animal-friendly, but also sustainable. That’s why we try to optimise the value chain and tweak every little detail so that we can score points with Veganz Ohnig in terms of climate protection.


Oh yes, this tapioca syrup has its challenges for us, because the water footprint is also problematic. Although we have found the perfect honey substitute with this ingredient, unfortunately a lot of water is consumed in its production. It may also be the case that the water supply infrastructure in the cultivation areas is not yet sufficiently developed.
So for us, this means that we have to keep a strong lookout for other supplier countries in order to improve the water footprint. Unfortunately, this doesn’t always happen overnight, and so we all have to have a little patience. All the same, we are tireless, driven and always open to change, because at the end of the day, we only want one thing: to develop the best products for you and our environment.


Sweeteners liquid (syrup, thick/concentrated juice)

Made in: Germany

Nutrition information

Nutrition Information per 100 g
– of which saturates
– of which sugars

No honey? No problem!

Bee honey giving you the cold shoulder? That’s easy to take care of with Veganz Ohnig! You can find out why this is the case here:

  1. Tastes like a mild summer blossom honey! Subtle notes of caramel, herbs and a hint of vanilla make our Veganz Ohnig taste surprisingly similar to the real thing.
  2. Guilt-free sweetness: Veganz Ohnig has around 40% fewer calories than bee honey. This could be partly because our vegan honey is particularly low in sugar. This makes it the perfect substitute for table sugar, honey and other sweeteners.
  3. Hello fibre! There are 39g of fibre per 100g of Veganz Ohnig! A pretty good amount, right? Our honey substitute owes this to tapioca syrup.
  4. Plain and pure, please! You can have it that way, because Veganz Ohnig has neither gluten, fructose, soy nor palm-oil. It’s also produced without genetic modification.
  5. Spreads nicely: Our sweetener has a particularly spreadable texture and is therefore perfect for all kinds of bread, rolls or croissants!
  6. Deliciously versatile: As a spread, for baking or sweetening cold and hot drinks


We use these materials in this product.

Synthetic materials
25 g
1 g

Don’t worry, be(e) happy – about this packaging!

Yes, yes. You read that right! You can really feel good about the packaging of our Veganz Ohnig, because we’ve come up with something really stunning and sustainable:

  • The transparent squeeze bottle makes dispensing a breeze and is made from 50 % recycled PET. Great, right? Please dispose of the bottle in the yellow bag so that it can be recycled again.
  • We work with environmentally friendly, mineral oil-free printing inks for the front and back labels. The colours are based on renewable raw materials. With mineral oil-free printing inks, no traces of mineral oil can pass from the packaging to the Veganz Ohnig – a win-win for humans and nature!

Here you can find the product Veganz Ohnig at the online shop Logo Logo

Available at

  • Puroshop | CZ
  • Rohlik | CZ
  • Lidl | CH
  • REWE | DE
  • Rossmann | DE
  • | DE
  • Müller | DE
  • Budni | DE
  • real | DE
  • Kaufland | DE
  • Amazon Fresh
  • Vekoop | DE
  • Carrefour | BH
  • EDEKA | DE

Even More Veganz Products for breakfast

You want to expand your breakfast table with vegan treats? Then sprinkle delicious cocoa nibs over your porridge, spread our hemp spread on your bread or top pancakes with our chocolate cream. Mmm… simply yummy!