Available in 70 Kaufland stores in Slovakia.

The need to protect our planet has never been more crucial than it is today. With your (purchasing) behaviour, you have a direct influence, each and every day, on how much CO2 is thrust into the atmosphere, how much water is expended or how much greenery is removed from our rainforests. All of this impacts our climate, causes it to fluctuate and has consequences. Which is why it’s up to you, to us, to all people, to protect the environment and preserve the beauty of our planet. 

The question is: “How is this climate protection going to work?” The answer: Simple and tasty – with vegan food. That’s because, not only is it incredibly delicious, it’s also incredibly sustainable. 

Our gourmet tip, par excellence: Climate protection is best served hot. And fresh out of the oven. In the shape of a round, crispy crust. With a tangy tomato sauce and a sumptuous vegan topping. Eat something for the climate and grab one of our vegan pizzas! What do our crispy and delicious climate protectors look like? Take a look at our TV advert:

Have you always wanted to try our delicious products as well as actively do something for the environment? Nothing easier than that! Just visit one of 70 participating Kaufland Slovakia stores!

The World's First Pizzas with the Sustainability Score!

Italian in taste, vegan in recipe and sustainable in agriculture, production, packaging and transportation – our Veganz pizzas are really quite something. 
You can easily see how environmentally friendly our crispy oven favourites are from the Sustainability Score, since we’ve printed their eco balance right on the package. The scores are broken down into four categories: CO­2 emissions, water footprint, animal welfare and rainforest preservation. Thanks to this simple method, you can see at first glance, within the overcrowded freezer section, how sustainable the pizzas are and consciously choose one that’s not only delicious but also vegan and environmentally friendly.  
Why are we doing this? Transparency and environmental protection are close to our hearts: You get all the facts and at the same time, we have the chance to make our products more sustainable. 
More information about our VerduraSpinaci or Tricolore you’ll find on their respective product pages!

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