What awaits you in 2021!

Updates about new products, sustainable packagings and much more

Always wanted to have a sneak peek of our new products? Your wish is our command! We’ll keep you up to date and reveal which great products we’re currently working on, share which sustainable packaging we’re fiddling with, and brief you on other updates from the Veganz universe.

New Products

Brace yourself and dust off your trusty sweatpants, because we’ll munch like never before in 2021! Get excited about the following new products this coming year:

A fish out of water… (Tuna) vish!

  • The Veganz Tunno will be your catch of the year in 2021! After all, our tuna alternative packs the power of pea protein to help protect our oceans. That seafood flavour comes from knotted kelp (fancy, no?). Our Tunno is marinated in first-class sunflower oil. Use it cold or warm it up first – for your sandwiches and salads, in your pasta dish, or as a pizza topping.

There are some sweet things coming after all!

Let’s be honest for a second: In 2021 (after surviving 2020), we’ve all deserved some sweet moments. These Veganz products will surely sweeten your day in the coming months:

  • Honey? Nope, Ohney! “Honey, oh sugar, sugar” – sweet lines, but so yesterday. Today’s candy girls* and boys* like to sweeten their tea, sandwich, and salad dressings with the Veganz Ohney, our delicious honey alternative made of tapioca. Low in calories, high in fibre, and served in a dispenser bottle made of 50% recycled PET. You are my candy, girl*!
  • Our Choc Bars are looking forward to their new sibling, too! So? Ready for the flavour reveal? A chocolate bar filled with a crispy wafer and a delicate hazelnut nougat cream! Awww, so sweet!

Savoury delights

You’re into hearty and hefty? That’s great, because we’ve got a few vegan sausage and meat alternatives ready to roll. We’re serving up some cold cuts to slam on a sandwich or just enjoy on its own!

  • Salami, squared: After introducing our two bologna alternatives, we figured: “How ’bout rounding off our plate of Veganz sausages with a real nice salami. Let’s do it!” Said and done. We’re not taking this whole salami business lightly either, with two varieties ready to hit the shelf at the same time: a chunk of salami as well as salami sticks.
  • Vegan Teewurst & liver sausage: rolls and baguettes sometimes just need a spread of love! If you agree with us, your floury friend should definitely get to know our ready-to-spread Teewurst and liver sausage alternatives.
  • We’re cheesing it up: You’ve certainly already got to know and love our Gourmet Piece. Brace yourself! We’re about to introduce two more cheese alternatives in the form of a block! Our Chili variety is hotly anticipated, and a smoked variety will delight those who are looking to get a bit more aromatic.

Short on time, big on hunger?

Hangry once again? There’s no need! Our new Convenience products will help to quickly satisfy your cravings with a delicious pick-me-up:

  • Almost like grandma used to make: Our frozen chicken fricassee is nothing less than a culinary classic – but, well, vegan. We can do without the frills for once, right?
  • Pizza Baguettes: Our best-selling products in 2020: the Veganz Pizzas. Seeing as how you’re joined by 486,892 other pizza aficionados who munched on our oven delights, we’re ready to launch a few more vegan Pizza Baguettes.
  • Stri, stra, struuuudel: Yes, you read that right! A Veganz Strudel is ready to hit the shelves! But we won’t stuff it with apples. Oh, no That’s a bit too sweet for our taste! We’re thinking more along the lines of cheese and meat. Get excited! They’ll tickle your taste buds!

We don’t just put anything in our products!

As you’ll surely know, we value nothing more than designing our products in the most sustainable way possible. That’s why we keep improving our existing products as well, to help preserve our environment. See for yourself!

  • Same… but better: listen up, lovers of dried soy! We directly procure the soy we use for our minced soy, soy medallions, and shredded soy from Europe. This way, we minimise the transport distances and reduce our CO2 emissions. As a real added bonus, we help protect our rain forests (well, not in Europe, try to find one here, hehe)
  • Peas beats soy: For our new products – the Veganz Tunno and salami alternatives – we’ve decided to do without soy altogether and use peas instead. On the one hand, peas are cultivated outside of the tropical rain forests. On the other hand, we’re helping those who suffer from allergies, as peas are low in allergens (soy and wheat are more allergenic!) and are generally well tolerated by all.

It’s what on the outside that counts – at least, when it comes to our sustainable packaging!

We’re still working hard on making our packaging more sustainable. With success: Some products in our range already got a sustainable packaging makeover. With our new products, we are constantly looking to find alternatives for plastic as well.

  • Soy & seitan meet compostable foil: Yes, we did it again! After wrapping our Gourmet Piece in a compostable foil, we are planning on wrapping our dry soy items and Seitan Powder in this eco pack as well. What makes the foil so special? It is made of renewable raw materials, such as cellulose and starch. It breaks down on a compost heap in just 90 days – like magic.
  • No to plastic, yes to paper: The packaging of our Gourmet Slices used to be 100% plastic. Today, things are looking a little different. Starting immediately, our vegan cheese slices come in a recyclable packaging with a 71% share of FSC paper. Wow! Fun fact: Our Cold Cuts already come in this eco pack!